
Install your InfluxDB Clustered license

Install your InfluxDB Clustered license in your cluster to authorize the use of the InfluxDB Clustered software.

License enforcement is currently an opt-in feature

In currently available versions of InfluxDB Clustered, license enforcement is an opt-in feature that allows InfluxData to introduce license enforcement to customers, and allows customers to deactivate the feature if issues arise. In the future, all releases of InfluxDB Clustered will require customers to configure an active license before they can use the product.

To opt into license enforcement, include the useLicensedBinaries feature flag in your AppInstance resource (See the example below). To deactivate license enforcement, remove the useLicensedBinaries feature flag.

Install your InfluxDB license

  1. If you haven’t already, request an InfluxDB Clustered license.

  2. InfluxData provides you with a license.yml file that encapsulates your license token as a custom Kubernetes resource.

  3. Use kubectl to apply and create the License resource in your InfluxDB namespace:

    kubectl apply --filename license.yml --namespace influxdb
  4. Update your AppInstance resource to enable the useLicensedBinaries feature flag. Add the useLicensedBinaries entry to the .spec.package.spec.featureFlags property–for example:

    kind: AppInstance
    # ...
            - useLicensedBinaries

InfluxDB Clustered detects the License resource and extracts the credentials into a secret required by InfluxDB Clustered Kubernetes pods. Pods validate the license secret both at startup and periodically (roughly once per hour) while running.

Upgrade from a non-licensed release

If you are currently using a non-licensed preview release of InfluxDB Clustered and want to upgrade to a licensed release, do the following:

  1. Install an InfluxDB license

  2. In your myinfluxdb.yml, update the package version defined in spec.package.image to use a licensed release.

    Upgrade to checkpoint releases first

    When upgrading InfluxDB Clustered, always upgrade to each checkpoint release first, before proceeding to newer versions. Upgrading past a checkpoint release without first upgrading to it may result in corrupt or lost data.

kind: AppInstance
# ...
    # ...

Replace PACKAGE_VERSION with the version number to upgrade to.

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