
Integrate with external plugins

External plugins are external programs that are built outside of Telegraf that can run through an execd plugin. These external plugins allow for more flexibility compared to internal Telegraf plugins. Benefits to using external plugins include:

  • Access to libraries not written in Go
  • Using licensed software (not available to open source community)
  • Including large dependencies that would otherwise bloat Telegraf
  • Using your external plugin immediately without waiting for the Telegraf team to publish
  • Easily convert plugins between internal and external using the shim

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The future of Flux

Flux is going into maintenance mode. You can continue using it as you currently are without any changes to your code.

Flux is going into maintenance mode and will not be supported in InfluxDB 3.0. This was a decision based on the broad demand for SQL and the continued growth and adoption of InfluxQL. We are continuing to support Flux for users in 1.x and 2.x so you can continue using it with no changes to your code. If you are interested in transitioning to InfluxDB 3.0 and want to future-proof your code, we suggest using InfluxQL.

For information about the future of Flux, see the following: