
influxctl token create

The influxctl token create command creates a database token with specified permissions to resources in an InfluxDB Cloud Dedicated cluster and outputs the token string.

The --read-database and --write-database flags support the * wildcard which grants read or write permissions to all databases. Enclose wildcards in single or double quotes–for example: '*' or "*".

The --format flag lets you print the output in other formats. The json format is available for programmatic parsing by other tooling. Default: table.

Notable behaviors

  • InfluxDB might take some time–from a few seconds to a few minutes–to activate and synchronize new tokens. If a new database token doesn’t immediately work (you receive a 401 Unauthorized error) for querying or writing, wait and then try again.
  • Token strings are viewable only on token creation.

Store secure tokens in a secret store

Token strings are viewable only on token creation and aren’t stored by InfluxDB. We recommend storing database tokens in a secure secret store.


influxctl token create \
  [--read-database=<DATABASE_NAME>] \
  [--write-database=<DATABASE_NAME>] \


Argument Description
TOKEN_DESCRIPTION Database token description


Flag Description
--format Output format (table (default) or json)
--read-database Grant read permissions to a database (Repeatable)
--write-database Grant write permissions to a database (Repeatable)
-h --help Output command help

Using a new token

InfluxDB might take some time to synchronize new tokens. If a new database token doesn’t immediately work for querying or writing, wait a few seconds and try again.


In the examples below, replace the following:

  • DATABASE_NAME: your InfluxDB Cloud Dedicated database name
  • DATABASE2_NAME: your second InfluxDB Cloud Dedicated database name
  • TOKEN_ID: token ID to update

Create a token with read and write access to a database

influxctl token create \
"Read/write token for

Create a token with read and write access to all databases

influxctl token create \
  --read-database "*" \
  --write-database "*" \
  "Read/write token for all databases"

Create a token with read-only access to a database

influxctl token create \
"Read-only token for

Create a token with read-only access to multiple databases

influxctl token create \
"Read-only token for

Create a token with mixed permissions to multiple databases

influxctl token create \
"Read-only on
, read/write on

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The future of Flux

Flux is going into maintenance mode. You can continue using it as you currently are without any changes to your code.

Flux is going into maintenance mode and will not be supported in InfluxDB 3.0. This was a decision based on the broad demand for SQL and the continued growth and adoption of InfluxQL. We are continuing to support Flux for users in 1.x and 2.x so you can continue using it with no changes to your code. If you are interested in transitioning to InfluxDB 3.0 and want to future-proof your code, we suggest using InfluxQL.

For information about the future of Flux, see the following: