
LIMIT and SLIMIT clauses

Use LIMIT to limit the number of rows returned per InfluxQL group. Use SLIMIT to limit the number of series returned in query results.

LIMIT clause

The LIMIT clause limits the number of rows to return from each InfluxQL group. If the query doesn’t include a GROUP BY clause, the entire result set is considered a single group. If a query groups data by time, limits are applied after aggregate and selector operations are applied to each time window.


SELECT_clause FROM_clause [WHERE_clause] [GROUP_BY_clause] [ORDER_BY_clause] LIMIT N


  • N: Maximum number of points to return from each InfluxQL group. If N is greater than the number of points in a group, all points from the group are returned.


The following examples use the Get started home sensor sample data.

Limit the number of rows returned

Limit the number of rows returned from each InfluxQL group

SLIMIT clause

InfluxQL is being rearchitected to work with the InfluxDB v3 storage engine. This process is ongoing and some InfluxQL features, such as SLIMIT are still being implemented. For more information, see InfluxQL feature support.

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