
Query fields and tags

Use filter() to query data based on fields, tags, or any other column value. filter() performs operations similar to the SELECT statement and the WHERE clause in InfluxQL and other SQL-like query languages.

The filter() function

filter() has an fn parameter that expects a predicate function, an anonymous function comprised of one or more predicate expressions. The predicate function evaluates each input row. Rows that evaluate to true are included in the output data. Rows that evaluate to false are excluded from the output data.

// ...
    |> filter(fn: (r) => r._measurement == "example-measurement-name" )

The fn predicate function requires an r argument, which represents each row as filter() iterates over input data. Key-value pairs in the row record represent columns and their values. Use dot notation or bracket notation to reference specific column values in the predicate function. Use logical operators to chain multiple predicate expressions together.

// Row record
r = {foo: "bar", baz: "quz"}

// Example predicate function
(r) => == "bar" and r["baz"] == "quz"

// Evaluation results
(r) => true and true

Filter by fields and tags

The combination of from(), range(), and filter() represent the most basic Flux query:

  1. Use from() to define your bucket.
  2. Use range() to limit query results by time.
  3. Use filter() to identify what rows of data to output.
from(bucket: "example-bucket")
    |> range(start: -1h)
    |> filter(fn: (r) => r._measurement == "example-measurement-name" and r.mytagname == "example-tag-value")
    |> filter(fn: (r) => r._field == "example-field-name")

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Introducing InfluxDB Clustered

A highly available InfluxDB 3.0 cluster on your own infrastructure.

InfluxDB Clustered is a highly available InfluxDB 3.0 cluster built for high write and query workloads on your own infrastructure.

InfluxDB Clustered is currently in limited availability and is only available to a limited group of InfluxData customers. If interested in being part of the limited access group, please contact the InfluxData Sales team.

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The future of Flux

Flux is going into maintenance mode. You can continue using it as you currently are without any changes to your code.

Flux is going into maintenance mode and will not be supported in InfluxDB 3.0. This was a decision based on the broad demand for SQL and the continued growth and adoption of InfluxQL. We are continuing to support Flux for users in 1.x and 2.x so you can continue using it with no changes to your code. If you are interested in transitioning to InfluxDB 3.0 and want to future-proof your code, we suggest using InfluxQL.

For information about the future of Flux, see the following: