
chronoctl gen-keypair

The gen-keypair command generates an RSA keypair and writes it to the file system. Private keys are stored in a file at a specified location. Private keys are stored in the same location using the same name with the .pub extension added.


chronoctl gen-keypair [flags]


Flag Description Input type
--bits Number of bits to use to generate the RSA keypair (default is 4096) integer
-h --help Output command help
--out Keypair file path to write to (default is chronograf-rsa) string


The following example generates a 4096 bit RSA keypair and writes the following files to the local file system:

  • /path/to/chrono-rsa: Private key
  • /path/to/ Public key
chronoctl gen-keypair --out /path/to/chrono-rsa

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