
chronoctl migrate

The migrate command lets you migrate your Chronograf configuration store.

By default, Chronograf is delivered with BoltDB as a data store. For information on migrating from BoltDB to an etcd cluster as a data store, see Migrating to a Chronograf HA configuration.


chronoctl migrate [flags]


Flag Description Input type
-f --from Full path to BoltDB file or etcd (e.g. bolt:///path/to/chronograf-v1.db or etcd://user:pass@localhost:2379 (default: chronograf-v1.db) string
-t --to Full path to BoltDB file or etcd (e.g. bolt:///path/to/chronograf-v1.db or etcd://user:pass@localhost:2379 (default: etcd://localhost:2379) string

Provide etcd authentication credentials

If authentication is enabled on etcd, use the standard URI basic authentication format to define a username and password. For example:


Provide etcd TLS credentials

If TLS is enabled on etcd, provide your TLS certificate credentials using the following query parameters in your etcd URL:

  • cert: Path to client certificate file or PEM file
  • key: Path to client key file
  • ca: Path to trusted CA certificates

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