
influxctl write

Limited availability

InfluxDB Clustered is currently only available to a limited group of InfluxData customers. If interested in being part of the limited access group, please contact the InfluxData Sales team.

The influxctl write command writes line protocol to InfluxDB Clustered.

Provide line protocol in one of the following ways:

  • a string on the command line
  • a path to a file that contains line protocol
  • a single dash (-) to read line protocol from stdin

Important to note

  • This command supports only one write request per execution, but does support multiple lines of line protocol and will batch data based on the --batch-size.
  • This command is not meant to be a full, feature-rich write tool. It’s meant for debug, triage, and initial exploration.

InfluxDB connection configuration

Your InfluxDB cluster host and port are configured in your in your influxctl connection profile. Default uses TLS and port 443. You can set a default database and token to use for the query and write commands in your connection profile or pass them with the command using the --database and --token flags. Command line flags override settings in the connection profile.


influxctl write [flags] <LINE_PROTOCOL>


Argument Description
LINE_PROTOCOL Line protocol to write (command line string, path to file, or - to read from stdin)


Flag Description
--batch-size Number of metrics to write per batch (default is 10000)
--database Database to write to
--precision Precision of data timestamps (ns (default), us, ms, or s)
--timeout Client timeout in seconds (default is 10)
--token Database token with write permissions on the target database
-h --help Output command help


In the examples below, replace the following:

  • DATABASE_TOKEN: Database token with write access to the target database
  • DATABASE_NAME: Name of the database to write to

Write line protocol to InfluxDB v3

influxctl write \
"home,room=Living\ Room temp=21.1,hum=35.9,co=0i 1641024000000000000 home,room=Kitchen temp=21.0,hum=35.9,co=0i 1641024000000000000 home,room=Living\ Room temp=21.4,hum=35.9,co=0i 1641027600000000000 home,room=Kitchen temp=23.0,hum=36.2,co=0i 1641027600000000000 "
influxctl write \
cat ./metrics.lp | influxctl write \

Write line protocol to InfluxDB v3 with non-default timestamp precision

influxctl write \
--precision s \ "home,room=Living\ Room temp=21.1,hum=35.9,co=0i 1641024000 home,room=Kitchen temp=21.0,hum=35.9,co=0i 1641024000 home,room=Living\ Room temp=21.4,hum=35.9,co=0i 1641027600 home,room=Kitchen temp=23.0,hum=36.2,co=0i 1641027600 "
influxctl write \
--precision s \ /path/to/metrics.lp
cat ./metrics.lp | influxctl write \
--precision s \ -

Write line protocol to InfluxDB v3 with a custom batch size

influxctl write \
--batch-size 5000 \ "home,room=Living\ Room temp=21.1,hum=35.9,co=0i 1641024000 home,room=Kitchen temp=21.0,hum=35.9,co=0i 1641024000 home,room=Living\ Room temp=21.4,hum=35.9,co=0i 1641027600 home,room=Kitchen temp=23.0,hum=36.2,co=0i 1641027600 "
influxctl write \
--batch-size 5000 \ /path/to/metrics.lp
cat ./metrics.lp | influxctl write \
--batch-size 5000 \ -

Write line protocol to InfluxDB v3 with a custom client timeout

influxctl write \
--timeout 20 \ "home,room=Living\ Room temp=21.1,hum=35.9,co=0i 1641024000 home,room=Kitchen temp=21.0,hum=35.9,co=0i 1641024000 home,room=Living\ Room temp=21.4,hum=35.9,co=0i 1641027600 home,room=Kitchen temp=23.0,hum=36.2,co=0i 1641027600 "
influxctl write \
--timeout 20 \ /path/to/metrics.lp
cat ./metrics.lp | influxctl write \
--timeout 20 \ -

Write line protocol to InfluxDB v3 using credentials from the connection profile

The following example uses the database and token defined in the default connection profile.

influxctl write "home,room=Living\ Room temp=21.1,hum=35.9,co=0i 1641024000000000000
home,room=Kitchen temp=21.0,hum=35.9,co=0i 1641024000000000000
home,room=Living\ Room temp=21.4,hum=35.9,co=0i 1641027600000000000
home,room=Kitchen temp=23.0,hum=36.2,co=0i 1641027600000000000

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The future of Flux

Flux is going into maintenance mode. You can continue using it as you currently are without any changes to your code.

Flux is going into maintenance mode and will not be supported in InfluxDB 3.0. This was a decision based on the broad demand for SQL and the continued growth and adoption of InfluxQL. We are continuing to support Flux for users in 1.x and 2.x so you can continue using it with no changes to your code. If you are interested in transitioning to InfluxDB 3.0 and want to future-proof your code, we suggest using InfluxQL.

For information about the future of Flux, see the following: