
InfluxDB system tables

InfluxDB system measurements contain time series data used by and generated from the InfluxDB internal monitoring system.

Each InfluxDB Clustered namespace includes the following system measurements:

queries system measurement

The system.queries measurement stores log entries for queries executed for the provided namespace (database) on the node that is currently handling queries.

The following example shows how to list queries recorded in the system.queries measurement:

SELECT issue_time, query_type, query_text, success FROM system.queries;

When listing measurements (tables) available within a namespace, some clients and query tools may include the queries table in the list of namespace tables.

system.queries reflects a process-local, in-memory, namespace-scoped query log. While this table may be useful for debugging and monitoring queries, keep the following in mind:

  • Records stored in system.queries are volatile.
    • Records are lost on pod restarts.
    • Queries for one namespace can evict records from another namespace.
  • Data reflects the state of a specific pod answering queries for the namespace.
    • A query for records in system.queries can return different results depending on the pod the request was routed to.

Data retention: System data can be transient and is deleted on pod restarts.

queries measurement schema

  • system.queries (measurement)
    • fields:
      • issue_time: timestamp when the query was issued
      • query_type: type (syntax: sql, flightsql, or influxql) of the query
      • query_text: query statement text
      • success: execution status (boolean) of the query
      • completed_duration: time (duration) that the query took to complete
      • trace_id: trace ID for debugging and monitoring events

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