
Query SQL Server

To query Microsoft SQL Server with Flux:

  1. Import the sql package.

  2. Use sql.from() and provide the following parameters:

    • driverName: sqlserver
    • dataSourceName: See data source name
    • query: SQL query to execute
import "sql"

    driverName: "sqlserver",
    dataSourceName: "sqlserver://user:password@localhost:1433?database=examplebdb",
    query: "GO SELECT * FROM Example.Table",

SQL Server data source name

The sqlserver driver uses the following DSN syntaxes (also known as a connection string):

server=localhost;user id=username;database=examplebdb;
server=localhost;user id=username;database=examplebdb;azure auth=ENV
server=localhost;user id=username;database=examplebdbr;azure tenant id=77e7d537;azure client id=58879ce8;azure client secret=0143356789

SQL Server ADO authentication

Use one of the following methods to provide SQL Server authentication credentials as ActiveX Data Objects (ADO) DSN parameters:

Retrieve authentication credentials from environment variables

azure auth=ENV

Retrieve authentication credentials from a file

InfluxDB Cloud and InfluxDB OSS do not have access to the underlying file system and do not support reading credentials from a file. To retrieve SQL Server credentials from a file, execute the query in the Flux REPL on your local machine.

azure auth=C:\secure\azure.auth

Specify authentication credentials in the DSN

# Example of providing tenant ID, client ID, and client secret token
azure tenant id=77...;azure client id=58...;azure client secret=0cf123..

# Example of providing tenant ID, client ID, certificate path and certificate password
azure tenant id=77...;azure client id=58...;azure certificate path=C:\secure\...;azure certificate password=xY...

# Example of providing tenant ID, client ID, and Azure username and password
azure tenant id=77...;azure client id=58...;azure username=some@myorg;azure password=a1...

Use a managed identity in an Azure VM

For information about managed identities, see Microsoft managed identities.

azure auth=MSI

SQL Server to Flux data type conversion

sql.from() converts SQL Server data types to Flux data types.

SQL Server data type Flux data type
BIT bool

All other SQL Server data types (including other date/time types) are converted to strings.

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