
date.monthDay() function

date.monthDay() returns the day of the month for a specified time. Results range from [1 - 31].

Function type signature
(t: A, ?location: {zone: string, offset: duration}) => int where A: Timeable

For more information, see Function type signatures.



(Required) Time to operate on.

Use an absolute time, relative duration, or integer. Durations are relative to now().


Location used to determine timezone. Default is the location option.


Return the day of the month for a time value

import "date"

date.monthDay(t: 2020-02-11T12:21:03.29353494Z)// Returns 11

Return the day of the month for a relative duration

import "date"

option now = () => 2020-02-11T12:21:03.29353494Z

date.monthDay(t: -8d)// Returns 25

Return the current day of the month

import "date"

date.monthDay(t: now())

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