

An option represents a storage location for any value of a specified type. Options are mutable. An option can hold different values during its lifetime.

Below is a list of built-in options currently implemented in the Flux language:

Options are not closed, meaning new options may be defined and consumed within packages and scripts. Changing the value of an option for a package changes the value for all references to that option from any other package.


The now option is a function that returns a time value used as a proxy for the current system time.

// Query should execute as if the below time is the current system time
option now = () => 2006-01-02T15:04:05-07:00


The task option schedules the execution of a Flux query.

option task = {
    name: "foo",        // Name is required.
    every: 1h,          // Task should be run at this interval.
    offset: 10m,        // Delay scheduling this task by this duration.
    cron: "0 2 * * *",  // Cron is a more sophisticated way to schedule. 'every' and 'cron' are mutually exclusive.


The location option sets the default time zone of all times in the script. The location maps the UTC offset in use at that location for a given time. The default value is timezone.utc.

import "timezone"

// Set timezone to be 5 hours west of UTC
option location = timezone.fixed(offset: -5h)

// Set location to be America/Denver
option location = timezone.location(name: "America/Denver")

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