
bool() function

bool() converts a value to a boolean type.

Function type signature
(v: A) => bool

For more information, see Function type signatures.



(Required) Value to convert.


Convert strings to booleans

bool(v: "true")

// Returns true
bool(v: "false")// Returns false

Convert numeric values to booleans

bool(v: 1.0)

// Returns true
bool(v: 0.0)

// Returns false
bool(v: 1)

// Returns true
bool(v: 0)

// Returns false
bool(v: uint(v: 1))

// Returns true
bool(v: uint(v: 0))// Returns false

Convert all values in a column to booleans

If converting the _value column to boolean types, use toBool(). If converting columns other than _value, use map() to iterate over each row and bool() to convert a column value to a boolean type.

    |> map(fn: (r) => ({r with powerOn: bool(v: r.powerOn)}))

View example input and output

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