
array.toUInt() function

array.toUInt() is experimental and subject to change at any time.

array.toUInt() converts all values in an array to unsigned integers.

Supported array types and behaviors

Array type Returned array values
[bool] 1 (true) or 0 (false)
[duration] Number of nanoseconds in the duration
[float] Value truncated at the decimal
[int] Unsigned integer equivalent of the integer
[string] Integer equivalent of the numeric string
[time] Equivalent nanosecond epoch timestamp
Function type signature
(<-arr: [A]) => [uint]

For more information, see Function type signatures.



Array of values to convert. Default is the piped-forward array (<-).


Convert an array of floats to unsigned integers

import "experimental/array"

arr = [-12.1, 24.2, -36.3, 48.4]

array.toInt(arr: arr)// Returns [18446744073709551604, 24, 18446744073709551580, 48]

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