
Kapacitor release notes


Dependency updates

  • Upgrade Go to 1.21.10.


Dependency updates

  • Upgrade aws-sdk-go to 1.51.12.
  • Upgrade Go to 1.21.9.
  • Upgrade from 0.17.0 to 0.23.0.


Bug Fixes

  • Do not migrate events with empty ID.


  • Upgrade Go to 1.21.8
  • Upgrade to 1.33.0
  • Upgrade to 24.0.9


  • Upgrade Go to 1.20.13
  • Upgrade to 1.56.3
  • Upgrade to 24.0.7


Bug Fixes

  • Security fix: (CVE-2023-44487: HTTP/2 Rapid Reset attack)



  • Update topic store to allow incremental updates.



  • Add JWT meta API authentication using the [auth] meta-internal-shared-secret configuration parameter.

Bug Fixes

  • Support InfluxDB 1.9.6 and OpenTSB by implementing WritePointsPrivileged



  • Ability to generate random numbers for TICKScript lambdas.
  • Update InfluxQL for v.1.9.x compatibility.

Bug fixes

  • Update the Kafka client to fix a bug regarding write latency.
  • Update to Flux v0.171.0 to fix “interface {} is nil, not string” issue.



  • Add SASL support to Kafka alerts.

Bug fixes

  • Fully deprecate DES based ciphers, RC4 based ciphers and TLS 1.1 and 1.0 ciphers.
  • Adjust Flux injected dependencies so that large data sets can be downloaded without issue.



  • Add support for custom attributes field in Alerta event handler.
  • Add host and attribute options to BigPanda event handler:
    • host: Identifies the main object that caused the alert.
    • attribute: Adds additional attribute(s) to the alert payload.
  • Add new auto-attributes configuration option to BigPanda node.
  • Ability to add new headers to HTTP posts directly in env var config.
  • Topic queue length is now configurable. This allows you to set a topic-buffer-length parameter in the Kapacitor config file in the alert section. The default is 5000. Minimum length is 1000.
  • Add new address template to email alert. Email addresses no longer need to be hardcoded; can be derived directly from data.

Bug fixes

  • Deprecated ciphers identified as “weak” in response to the sweet32 attack.
  • Add additional detail to the error message missing flux data. This error is generated when issues occur when running a Flux query within a batch TICKscript.



  • Add the template-id property to the GET /kapacitor/v1/tasks request response. Adding this property helps to identify tasks that were created from a template.
  • For alert templates, row templates, and details templates, add support for third-party services that reject standard json (terminated by a new line character) by compacting json in templates. To do this, replace {{ json . }} with {{ jsonCompact . }} in your templates. (This change also compacts Big Panda alert details to avoid Panda service error.)

Bug fixes

  • Implement expvar string json encoding to correctly handle special characters in measurement strings, thanks @prashanthjbabu!
  • Correctly validate that connected InfluxDB instances are running whendisable-subscriptions is set to true in the InfluxDB section of the Kapacitor configuration file. If InfluxDB is not available, Kapacitor does not start.
  • Update jwt dependencies and switch to to remediate the CVE-2020-26160 vulnerability.
  • Switch task service to use Flux formatter that preserves comments.



  • Add flag for restricting CIDR ranges for certain event handlers and nodes.
  • Add flag for disabling alert handlers for additional security (such as disabling the exec alert handler on a shared machine).

Bug fixes

  • Align DeleteGroupMessage with GroupInfo interface.
  • Fix payload serialization for BigPanda.


Kapacitor 1.6.0 includes a defect that could result in a memory leak and expose sensitive information. If you installed this release, upgrade to Kapacitor v1.6.1.

Kapacitor 1.6 introduces Flux task support. Use the Flux task to schedule and run Flux tasks against InfluxDB 1.x databases or offload the Flux query load from InfluxDB (1.x, 2.x, and Cloud). For more information, see Use Flux tasks.

User authentication and authorization (previously only supported in Kapacitor Enterprise) is now available in Kapacitor 1.6. Require user authentication for interactions with the Kapacitor API.

Breaking changes

Kapacitor 1.6+ no longer supports 32-bit operating systems. If you are using a 32-bit operating system, continue using Kapacitor 1.5.x.


Bug fixes

  • Fix a panic in the scraper handler when debug mode is enabled.



New event handler

New configuration options

  • Add support for the correlate option in the Alerta event handler, thanks @nermolaev!
  • Add the details option to the OpsGenie v2 event handler; set this option to true to use the Kapacitor alert details as OpsGenie description text, thanks @JamesClonk!

Support for HTTP sources in SideLoadNode

  • Add support for HTTP sources in SideloadNode configuration, thanks @jregovic!

Performance and security improvements

  • Add the InfluxDB subscription-path option to allow Kapacitor to run behind a reverse proxy, thanks @aspring! For more information, see the example in Kapacitor to InfluxDB TLS configuration over HTTP API.
  • Send data to InfluxDB compressed as gzip by default. Although, this default configuration does not appear in the Kapacitor configuration file, you can add compression = "none" to the InfluxDB section of your Kapacitor configuration file.
  • Preallocate GroupIDs to increase performance by reducing allocations.

Miscellaneous event updates

  • Send the full event payload to Pagerduty when the eventAction is resolve, thanks @asvinours!
  • Add the default color theme to Microsoft Teams alerts, thanks @NoamShaish!
  • Add barrier handling to FlattenNode to ensure points are successfully emitted.

Bug fixes

  • Ensure large batch writes with influx gzip are completely written to InfluxDB.
  • Update function node name ServiceNow handler to camelcase.
  • Fix memory leaks in JoinNode and UnionNode.
  • Avoid infinite hang when closing Kafka writer and prevent the timeout error that occurred when updating the Kafka configuration file (kapacitor.conf) via http.
  • Remove support for darwin/386 builds (Go no longer supports).
  • Rename the alert-handler match function duration() to alertDuration() to avoid name collision with the type conversion function of the same name.


If you’ve installed this release, please roll back to v1.5.7 as soon as possible. This release introduced a defect wherein large batch tasks will not completely write all points back to InfluxDB. This primarily affects downsampling tasks where information is written to another retention policy. If the source retention policy is short there is the potential for the source data to age out and the downsample to have never been fully written.



  • Add the .recoveryaction() method to support overriding the OpsGenieV2 alert recovery action in a TICKscript, thanks @zabullet!
  • Add support for templating URLs in the httpPost node and alert node. To set up an template:
  • Upgrade, thanks @wuguanyu!
  • Add the ServiceNow event handler to support ServiceNow integration and provide proxy support.

Bug fixes

  • Add error check when the system fails to read the replay file, thanks @johncming!
  • Add missing .Details to the alert template.



Bug fixes

  • Fix UDF agent Python 3.0 issues, thanks @elohmeier!
  • Add scraper_test package to fix discovery service lost configuration (discovery.Config), thanks @flisky!
  • Use systemd for Amazon Linux 2.
  • Correct issue with go vet invocation in .hooks/pre-commit file that caused the hook to fail, thanks @mattnotmitt!
  • Update to support arm64, thanks @povlhp!
  • Fix panic when setting a zero interval for ticker, which affected deadman and stats nodes.
  • Fix a panic on int div-by-zero and return an error instead.
  • Fix issue that caused Kapacitor to ignore the pushover().userKey('') TICKScript operation.


Breaking changes

  • Update release checksums (used to verify release bits haven’t been tampered with) from MD5 (Message Digest, 128-bit digest) to SHA-256 (Secure Hash Algorithm 2, 256-bit digest).

Bug fixes

  • Update the Kafka client to ensure errors are added to Kapacitor logs.



  • Add the ability to use templates when specifying MQTT (message queue telemetry transport) topic.
  • Upgrade to support Python 3.0 for user defined functions (UDFs).

Bug fixes

  • Upgrade the Kafka library to set the timestamp correctly.
  • Upgrade to Go 1.13, fixes various go vet issues.


Authentication and shared secret

If using Kapacitor v1.5.3 or newer and InfluxDB with authentication enabled, set the [http].shared-secret option in your kapacitor.conf to the shared secret of your InfluxDB instances.

# ...
  # ...
  shared-secret = "youramazingsharedsecret"

If not set, set to an empty string, or does not match InfluxDB’s shared-secret, the integration with InfluxDB will fail and Kapacitor will not start. Kapacitor will output an error similar to:

kapacitord[4313]: run: open server: open service *influxdb.Service: failed to link subscription on startup: signature is invalid

Important update

  • Some customers have reported a high number of CLOSE_WAIT connections. Upgrade to this release to resolve this issue.


  • Add ability to skip SSL verification with an alert post node.
  • Add TLS configuration options.

Bug fixes

  • Use default transport consistently.
  • Fix deadlock in barrier node when delete is used.
  • Make RPM create files with correct ownership on install.
  • Delete group stats when a group is deleted.
  • Avoid extra allocation when building GroupID.



  • Add barrier node support to JoinNode.
  • Add ability to expire groups using the BarrierNode.
  • Add alert/persist-topics to config.
  • Add multiple field support to the ChangeDetectNode.
  • Add links to PagerDuty v2 alerts.
  • Add additional metadata to Sensu alerts.

Bug fixes

  • Fix join not catching up fast enough after a pause in the data stream.


Bug fixes

  • pagerduty2 should use routingKey rather than serviceKey.
  • Fix KafkaTopic not working from TICKscript.
  • Improve Kafka alert throughput.



  • Add alert inhibitors that allow an alert to suppress events from other matching alerts.
  • Config format updated to allow for more than one slack configuration.
  • Added a new Kapacitor node changeDetect that emits a value for each time a series field changes.
  • Add recoverable field to JSON alert response to indicate whether the alert will auto-recover.
  • Update OpsGenie integration to use the v2 API. To upgrade to using the new API simply update your configuration and TICKscripts to use opsgenie2 instead of opsgenie. If your opsgenie configuration uses the recovery_url option, for opsgenie2 you will need to change it to the recovery_action option. This is because the new v2 API is not structured with static URLs, and so only the action can be defined and not the entire URL.
  • Add https-private-key option to httpd config.
  • Add .quiet to all nodes to silence any errors reported by the node.
  • Add Kafka event handler.

Bug fixes

  • Kapacitor ticks generating a hash instead of their actual given name.
  • Fix deadlock in load service when task has an error.
  • Support PagerDuty API v2.
  • Fix bug where you could not delete a topic handler with the same name as its topic.
  • Adjust PagerDuty v2 service-test names and capture detailed error messages.
  • Fix Kafka configuration.


Bug fixes

  • Fix bug where task type was invalid when using var for stream/batch


Release notes

Kapacitor v1.4.0 adds many new features, highlighted here:

  • Load directory service for adding topic handlers, tasks, and templates from dir.
  • Structured logging with logging API endpoints that can be used to tail logs for specified tasks.
  • Autoscale support for Docker Swarm and AWS EC2.
  • Sideload data into your TICKscript streams from external sources.
  • Fully-customizable HTTP Post body for the alert Post handler and the HTTP Post node.

Breaking changes

Change over internal API to use message passing semantics.

The Combine and Flatten nodes previously operated (erroneously) across batch boundaries: this has been fixed.


  • Added service for loading topic handlers, tasks, and templates from dir.
  • Topic handler file format modified to include TopicID and HandlerID.
  • TICKscript now allows task descriptions exclusively through a TICKscript.
  • Task types (batch or stream) no longer must be specified.
  • dbrp expressions were added to TICKscript.
  • Added support for AWS EC2 autoscaling services.
  • Added support for Docker Swarm autoscaling services.
  • Added BarrierNode to emit BarrierMessage periodically.
  • Added Previous state.
  • Added support to persist replay status after it finishes.
  • Added and https_post timeouts to ensure cleanup of hung connections.
  • Added subscriptions modes to InfluxDB subscriptions.
  • Added linear fill support for QueryNode.
  • Added MQTT alert handler.
  • Added built-in functions for converting timestamps to integers.
  • Added bools field types to UDFs.
  • Added stateless now() function to get the current local time.
  • Added support for timeout, tags, and service templates in the Alerta AlertNode.
  • Added support for custom HTTP Post bodies via a template system.
  • Added support allowing for the addition of the HTTP status code as a field when using HTTP Post.
  • Added logfmt support and refactor logging.
  • Added support for exposing logs via the API. API is released as a technical preview.
  • Added support for {{ .Duration }} on Alert Message property.
  • Added support for JSON lines for steaming HTTP logs.
  • Added new node Sideload that allows loading data from files into the stream of data. Data can be loaded using a hierarchy.
  • Promote Alert API to stable v1 path.
  • Change WARN level logs to INFO level.
  • Updated Go version to 1.9.2.

Bug fixes

  • Fixed issues where log API checked the wrong header for the desired content type.
  • Fixed VictorOps “data” field being a string instead of actual JSON.
  • Fixed panic with MQTT.toml configuration generation.
  • Fix oddly-generated TOML for MQTT & HTTPpost.
  • Address Idle Barrier dropping all messages when source has clock offset.
  • Address crash of Kapacitor on Windows x64 when starting a recording.
  • Allow for .yml file extensions in define-topic-handler.
  • Fix HTTP server error logging.
  • Fixed bugs with stopping a running UDF agent.
  • Fixed error messages for missing fields which are arguments to functions are not clear.
  • Fixed bad PagerDuty test the required server info.
  • Added SNMP sysUpTime to SNMP Trap service.
  • Fixed panic on recording replay with HTTPPostHandler.
  • Fixed Kubernetes incluster master API DNS resolution.
  • Remove the pidfile after the server has exited.
  • Logs API writes multiple HTTP headers.
  • Fixed missing dependency in RPM package.
  • Force tar owner/group to be root.
  • Fixed install/remove of Kapacitor on non-systemd Debian/Ubuntu systems.
  • Fixed packaging to not enable services on RHEL systems.
  • Fixed issues with recursive symlinks on systemd systems.
  • Fixed invalid default MQTT config.


Bug fixes

  • Expose pprof without authentication, if enabled.


Bug fixes

  • Use details field from alert node in PagerDuty.


Bug fixes

  • Proxy from environment for HTTP request to Slack
  • Fix derivative node preserving fields from previous point in stream tasks


Release Notes

This release has two major features.

  1. Addition of scraping and discovering for Prometheues style data collection.
  2. Updates to the Alert Topic system.

Here is a quick example of how to configure Kapacitor to scrape discovered targets. First, configure a discoverer, here we use the file-discovery discoverer. Next, configure a scraper to use that discoverer.

# Configure file discoverer
 enabled = true
 id = "discover_files"
 refresh-interval = "10s"
 ##### This will look for prometheus json files
 ##### File format is here
 files = ["/tmp/prom/*.json"]

# Configure scraper
 enabled = true
 name = "node_exporter"
 discoverer-id = "discover_files"
 discoverer-service = "file-discovery"
 db = "prometheus"
 rp = "autogen"
 type = "prometheus"
 scheme = "http"
 metrics-path = "/metrics"
 scrape-interval = "2s"
 scrape-timeout = "10s"

Add the above snippet to your kapacitor.conf file.

Create the below snippet as the file /tmp/prom/localhost.json:

 "targets": ["localhost:9100"]

Start the Prometheues node_exporter locally.

Now, startup Kapacitor and it will discover the localhost:9100 node_exporter target and begin scrapping it for metrics. For more details on the scraping and discovery systems, see the full documentation here.

The second major feature with this release are changes to the alert topic system. The previous release introduced this new system as a technical preview and with this release the alerting service has been simplified. Alert handlers now only have a single action and belong to a single topic.

The handler definition has been simplified as a result. Here are some example alert handlers using the new structure:

id: my_handler
kind: pagerDuty
  serviceKey: XXX
id: aggregate_by_1m
kind: aggregate
  interval: 1m
  topic: aggregated
id: publish_to_system
kind: publish
  topics: [ system ]

To define a handler now you must specify which topic the handler belongs to. For example, to define the above aggregate handler on the system topic, use this command:

kapacitor define-handler system aggregate_by_1m.yaml

For more details on the alerting system, see the full documentation here.

Breaking Change

Fixed inconsistency with JSON data from alerts.

The alert handlers Alerta, Log, OpsGenie, PagerDuty, Post and VictorOps allow extra opaque data to beattached to alert notifications.
That opaque data was inconsistent and this change fixes that.
Depending on how that data was consumed this could result in a breaking change, since the original behavior
was inconsistent we decided it would be best to fix the issue now and make it consistent for all future builds.
Specifically in the JSON result data the old key `Series` is always `series`, and the old key `Err` is now
always `error` instead of for only some of the outputs.

Refactor the Alerting service.

The change is completely breaking for the technical preview alerting service, a.k.a. the new alert topic
handler features. The change boils down to simplifying how you define and interact with topics.
Alert handlers now only ever have a single action and belong to a single topic.
An automatic migration from old to new handler definitions will be performed during startup.
See the updated API docs.

Add generic error counters to every node type.

Renamed `query_errors` to `errors` in batch node.
Renamed `eval_errors` to `errors` in eval node.

The UDF agent Go API has changed.

The changes now make it so that the agent package is self contained.

A bug was fixed around missing fields in the derivative node.

The behavior of the node changes slightly in order to provide a consistent fix to the bug.
The breaking change is that now, the time of the points returned are from the right hand or current point time,
instead of the left hand or previous point time.


  • Allow Sensu handler to be specified.
  • Added type signatures to Kapacitor functions.
  • Added isPresent operator for verifying whether a value is present (part of #1284).
  • Added Kubernetes scraping support.
  • Added groupBy exclude and added dropOriginalFieldName to flatten.
  • Added KapacitorLoopback node to be able to send data from a task back into Kapacitor.
  • Added headers to alert POST requests.
  • TLS configuration in Slack service for Mattermost compatibility.
  • Added generic HTTP Post node.
  • Expose server specific information in alert templates.
  • Added Pushover integration.
  • Added working_cardinality stat to each node type that tracks the number of groups per node.
  • Added StateDuration node.
  • Default HipChat URL should be blank.
  • Add API endpoint for performing Kapacitor database backups.
  • Adding source for sensu alert as parameter.
  • Added discovery and scraping services for metrics collection (pull model).
  • Updated Go version to 1.7.5.

Bug fixes

  • Fixed broken ENV var configuration overrides for the Kubernetes section.
  • Copy batch points slice before modification, fixes potential panics and data corruption.
  • Use the Prometheus metric name as the measurement name by default for scrape data.
  • Fixed possible deadlock for scraper configuration updating.
  • Fixed panic with concurrent writes to same points in state tracking nodes.
  • Simplified static-discovery configuration.
  • Fixed panic in InfluxQL node with missing field.
  • Fixed missing working_cardinality stats on stateDuration and stateCount nodes.
  • Fixed panic in scraping TargetManager.
  • Use ProxyFromEnvironment for all outgoing HTTP traffic.
  • Fixed bug where batch queries would be missing all fields after the first nil field.
  • Fix case-sensitivity for Telegram parseMode value.
  • Fix pprof debug endpoint.
  • Fixed hang in configuration API to update a configuration section. Now if the service update process takes too long the request will timeout and return an error. Previously the request would block forever.
  • Make the Alerta auth token prefix configurable and default it to Bearer.
  • Fixed logrotate file to correctly rotate error log.
  • Fixed bug with alert duration being incorrect after restoring alert state.
  • Fixed bug parsing dbrp values with quotes.
  • Fixed panic on loading replay files without a file extension.
  • Fixed bug in Default Node not updating batch tags and groupID. Also empty string on a tag value is now a sufficient condition for the default conditions to be applied. See #1233 for more information.
  • Fixed dot view syntax to use xlabels and not create invalid quotes.
  • Fixed corruption of recordings list after deleting all recordings.
  • Fixed missing “vars” key when listing tasks.
  • Fixed bug where aggregates would not be able to change type.
  • Fixed panic when the process cannot stat the data dir.


Release Notes

A new system for working with alerts has been introduced. This alerting system allows you to configure topics for alert events and then configure handlers for various topics. This way alert generation is decoupled from alert handling.

Existing TICKscripts will continue to work without modification.

To use this new alerting system remove any explicit alert handlers from your TICKscript and specify a topic. Then configure the handlers for the topic.

      // Specify the topic for the alert
      .info(lambda: "value" > 60)
      .warn(lambda: "value" > 70)
      .crit(lambda: "value" > 80)
      // No handlers are configured in the script, they are instead defined on the topic via the API.

The API exposes endpoints to query the state of each alert and endpoints for configuring alert handlers. See the API docs for more details. The kapacitor CLI has been updated with commands for defining alert handlers.

This release introduces a new feature where you can window based off the number of points instead of their time. For example:

    // Emit window for every 10 points with 100 points per window.
         .crit(lambda: "mean" > 100)

With this change alert nodes will have an anonymous topic created for them. This topic is managed like all other topics preserving state etc. across restarts. As a result existing alert nodes will now remember the state of alerts after restarts and disiabling/enabling a task.

NOTE: The new alerting features are being released under technical preview. This means breaking changes may be made in later releases until the feature is considered complete. See the API docs on technical preview for specifics of how this effects the API.


  • Add new query property for aligning group by intervals to start times.
  • Add new alert API, with support for configuring handlers and topics.
  • Move alerta api token to header and add option to skip TLS verification.
  • Add SNMP trap service for alerting.
  • Add fillPeriod option to Window node, so that the first emit waits till the period has elapsed before emitting.
  • Now when the Window node every value is zero, the window will be emitted immediately for each new point.
  • Preserve alert state across restarts and disable/enable actions.
  • You can now window based on count in addition to time.
  • Enable markdown in slack attachments.

Bug fixes

  • Fix issue with the Union node buffering more points than necessary.
  • Fix panic during close of failed startup when connecting to InfluxDB.
  • Fix panic during replays.
  • logrotate.d ignores kapacitor configuration due to bad file mode.
  • Fix panic during failed aggregate results.


Release Notes

No changes to Kapacitor, only upgrading to GoLang 1.7.4 for security patches.


Release Notes

New K8sAutoscale node that allows you to auotmatically scale Kubernetes deployments driven by any metrics Kapacitor consumes. For example, to scale a deployment myapp based off requests per second:

// The target requests per second per host
var target = 100.0

        .where(lambda: "deployment" == 'myapp')
    // Compute the moving average of the last 5 minutes
    |movingAverage('requests', 5*60)
        // Compute the desired number of replicas based on target.
        .replicas(lambda: int(ceil("mean_requests_per_second" / target)))

New API endpoints have been added to be able to configure InfluxDB clusters and alert handlers dynamically without needing to restart the Kapacitor daemon. Along with the ability to dynamically configure a service, API endpoints have been added to test the configurable services. See the API docs for more details.

NOTE: The connect_errors stat from the query node was removed since the client changed, all errors are now counted in the query_errors stat.


  • Add a Kubernetes autoscaler node. You can now autoscale your Kubernetes deployments via Kapacitor.
  • Add new API endpoint for dynamically overriding sections of the configuration.
  • Upgrade to using GoLang 1.7
  • Add API endpoints for testing service integrations.
  • Add support for Slack icon emojis and custom usernames.
  • Bring Kapacitor up to parity with available InfluxQL functions in 1.1.

Bug fixes

  • Fix bug where keeping a list of fields that where not referenced in the eval expressions would cause an error.
  • Fix the number of subscriptions statistic.
  • Fix inconsistency with InfluxDB by adding configuration option to set a default retention policy.
  • Sort and dynamically adjust column width in CLI output.
  • Adds missing strLength function.


Bug fixes

  • Fix bug where errors to save cluster/server ID files were ignored.
  • Create data_dir on startup if it does not exist.



  • Add TCP alert handler
  • Add ability to set alert message as a field
  • Add .create property to InfluxDBOut node, which when set will create the database and retention policy on task start.
  • Allow duration / duration in TICKscript.
  • Add support for string manipulation functions.
  • Add ability to set specific HTTP port and hostname per configured InfluxDB cluster.

Bug fixes

  • Fixed typo in the default configuration file
  • Change |log() output to be in JSON format so its self documenting structure.
  • Fix issue with TMax and the Holt-Winters method.
  • Fix bug with TMax and group by time.


Release Notes

First release of Kapacitor v1.0.0.

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