
kapacitor define

The kapacitor define command creates or updates a task. A task is defined via a TICKscript that defines the data processing pipeline of the task.

When an existing task is updated, the task will be reloaded unless the -no-reload flag is included in the command.


kapacitor define [<task-id>] [flags]


  • task-id: Unique identifier for the task


Flag Description Input
-dbrp Database and retention policy to query (can be specified multiple times) "db"."rp" (double quotes are optional unless identifiers contain whitespace or special characters)
-file Path to a YAML or JSON template task file Filepath
-no-reload Do not reload the task even when enabled
-template Template ID to use to create the task Template ID
-tick Path to the TICKscript to use to create the task Filepath
-type Task type stream or batch
-vars Path to a JSON variables file when using a template Filepath


Create a new task from a TICKscript

kapacitor define my_task \
  -dbrp mydb.myrp \
  -tick /path/to/TICKscript.tick \
  -type stream

Create a new task from a template

kapacitor define my_task \
  -dbrp mydb.myrp \
  -template alert_template \
  -vars /path/to/vars.json \  
  -type batch

Update the TICKscript of a task

kapacitor define existing_task \
  -tick /path/to/new_TICKscript.tick

Update a task without reloading the task

kapacitor define existing_task \
  -tick /path/to/new_TICKscript.tick \

Update a task to query multiple DBRP combinations

If a task queries multiple database and retention policy (DBRP) combinations, to add more, you must include all existing DBRPs. Any existing DBRPs omitted from the command when updating a task are removed from the task.

kapacitor define existing_task \
  -dbrp mydb.myrp \
  -dbrp otherdb.default \
  -dbrp telegraf.autogen

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