
kapacitor delete

The kapacitor delete command deletes tasks, templates, recordings, replays, topics, or handlers.


kapacitor delete <resource-type> [<topic>] [<resource-id-or-pattern>]


  • resource-type: Resource type to delete. The following resource types can be deleted:

    • tasks
    • templates
    • recordings
    • replays
    • topics
    • topic-handlers
  • topic: Topic to delete a handler from. Only required when deleting a handler.

  • resource-id-or-pattern: Resource ID or glob pattern to match resource IDs to delete.


Delete a task

kapacitor delete tasks my_task

Delete tasks matching a glob pattern

kapacitor delete tasks *_alert

Delete a recording

kapacitor delete recordings b0a2ba8a-aeeb-45ec-bef9-1a2939963586

Delete a handler

To delete a handler, specify the topic before the handler ID or glob pattern.

kapacitor delete topic-handlers system slack

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