
kapacitor CLI

The kapacitor CLI interacts with and manages the Kapacitor server.


kapacitor [command] [flags] [args]


Command Description
backup Backup the Kapacitor database
define Create or update a task
define-template Create or update a template
define-topic-handler Create or update an alert handler for a topic
delete Delete Kapacitor resources
disable Disable a task
enable Enable a task
flux Manage Kapacitor Flux tasks
help Print help for a command
level Set the logging level on the kapacitord server
list List information about Kapacitor resources
logs Output Kapacitor logs
record Record the results of a task or query
reload Reload a task with an updated task definition
replay Replay a recording to a task
replay-live Replay data to a task without recording it
service-tests Run service tests
show Display information about a task
show-template Display information about a template
show-topic Display information about an alert topic
show-topic-handler Display information about an alert handler for a topic
stats Display Kapacitor server statistics
vars Print Kapacitor debug vars in JSON format
version Display the Kapacitor version
watch Watch logs for a task


Flag Description Environment variable
-skipVerify Disable SSL or TLS verification KAPACITOR_UNSAFE_SSL
-url URL of the kapacitord server (default is http://localhost:9092) KAPACITOR_URL

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