
influxd-ctl add-meta

The influxd-ctl add-meta command adds a meta node to an InfluxDB Enterprise cluster.

By default, influxd-ctl adds the specified meta node to the local meta node’s cluster. Use add-meta instead of the join argument when installing a meta node an InfluxDB Enterprise cluster.


influxd-ctl [flags] add-meta <http-bind-address>


  • http-bind-address: HTTP bind address of the meta node to add to the cluster (host:port)


See influxd-ctl global flags.


Add a meta node to a cluster

influxd-ctl add-meta cluster-meta-node-03:8091

Add a meta node to a cluster using a remote meta node

influxd-ctl -bind cluster-meta-node-01:8091 add-meta cluster-meta-node-03:8091

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